1. 简介
Squashfs的设计是专门为一般的只读文件系统的使用而设计,它可应用于数据备份,或是系统资源紧张的电脑上使用。最初版本的Squashfs采用 gzip 的数据压缩。版本 2.6.34 之后的Linux内核增加了对 LZMA[1] 和 LZO [2]压缩算法的支持,版本 2.6.38 的内核增加了对LZMA2的支持,该算法同时也是xz使用的压缩算法。[3]
Linux 3.19及更新的内核中,Squashfs增加了LZ4压缩支持。[4]
Linux 4.14及更新的内核中,Squashfs增加了Zstandard压缩支持。[5]
版本 2.6.35 之后的内核包含的Squashfs增加了扩展文件属性支持。[6]
2. 用途
Squashfs常被用于各Linux发行版的LiveCD中,也用于OpenWrt 和DD-WRT 的路由器固件。Chromecast也是该文件系统的用户。在LiveCD中,Squashfs通常与UnionFS,OverlayFS和aufs等联合挂载文件系统结合使用,以便在LiveCD系统中提供可读写支持。Appimage项目也使用Squashfs作为镜像。
需要用到的工具有 squashfs-tools
这个工具包含 2 个工具 打包用的 mksquashfs 和 解包用的 unsquashfs
2.1. 解包 filesystem.squashfs
mkdir extract_squashfs
sudo unsquashfs -d extract_squashfs /home/ivo/filesystem.squashfs
添加驱动,举例 使用chroot,添加东西要在chroot里面比较合适
test@ivoserver:~$ sudo chroot ./extract_squashfs/ /bin/bash
root@ivoserver:/# ls
bin etc initrd.img lib32 media opt root sbin sys tmp var
dev home lib lib64 mnt proc run srv tftpboot usr vmlinuz
root@ivoserver:/# ls
bin lib32 root tftpboot
dev lib64 run tmp
etc media sbin usr
home mnt SOM-7532_SUSI5.0.23840_Release_2023_12_22_ubuntu22.04_x64.tar.gz var
initrd.img opt srv vmlinuz
lib proc sys
root@ivoserver:/# mkdir 7532
root@ivoserver:/# cd 7532/
root@ivoserver:/7532# mv ../SOM-7532_SUSI5.0.23840_Release_2023_12_22_ubuntu22.04_x64.tar.gz .
root@ivoserver:/7532# ls
root@ivoserver:/7532# tar xf SOM-7532_SUSI5.0.23840_Release_2023_12_22_ubuntu22.04_x64.tar.gz
root@ivoserver:/7532# ls
SOM-7532_SUSI5.0.23840_Release_2023_12_22_ubuntu22.04_x64.tar.gz SUSI5.0.23840
root@ivoserver:/7532# cd S
root@ivoserver:/7532# cd SUSI5.0.23840/
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840# ls
Driver license.rtf README Susi4Demo SusiAiDemo SUSIDeviceDEMO SUSIIoTDEMO
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840# cd Driver/
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# ls
AI libjansson.a libSUSI-3.02.so.1.0.8 libSUSIDevice.so
ini libjansson.so libSUSI-4.00.so libSUSIDevice.so.1.0.0
install.sh libjansson.so.4 libSUSI-4.00.so.1 libSusiIoT.so
libEApi.so libjansson.so.4.11.0 libSUSI-4.00.so.1.0.0 libSusiIoT.so.1.0.0
libEApi.so.1 libSUSI-3.02.so libSUSIAI.so modules
libEApi.so.1.0.0 libSUSI-3.02.so.1 libSUSIAI.so.1.0.0
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# chmod +x install.sh
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# ./install.sh
⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix
your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway.
Your mileage may vary.
Running in chroot, ignoring command 'is-active'
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
* Please carefully read the terms and conditions in license.rtf.*
* Do you agree with above patent declaration? *
[Y] Yes, I agree. [N] No, I don't agree.
Install SUSI AI service.
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device
Install SUSI library.
libjansson.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjansson.so.4
libjansson.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libjansson.so.4
libjansson.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libjansson.so
libSusiIoT.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSusiIoT.so
libSUSIDevice.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIDevice.so.1
libSUSIDevice.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIDevice.so
libSUSIAI.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIAI.so.1
libSUSIAI.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIAI.so
libSUSI-4.00.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-4.00.so.1
libSUSI-4.00.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-4.00.so
libSUSI-3.02.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-3.02.so.1
libSUSI-3.02.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-3.02.so
libEApi.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libEApi.so.1
libEApi.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libEApi.so
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# cd /lib
root@ivoserver:/lib# ls
7zip kernel libSusiIoT.so.1.0.0 rsyslog
Advantech klibc lighttpd ruby
apt klibc-D67x9cQZJoe6j863VWhTpYmFGDU.so linux-boot-probes runit-helper
bicon ld-linux.so.2 live sasl2
binfmt.d libcpufreq.so.0 locale scsi
brltty libcpufreq.so.0.0.0 lsb scsitools
casync libdislocker.so mc sftp-server
cgi-bin libdislocker.so.0.7 mime shim
compat-ld libdislocker.so.0.7.2 modprobe.d ssl
console-setup libEApi.so modules sysctl.d
cryptsetup libEApi.so.1 modules-load.d syslinux
dbus-1.0 libEApi.so.1.0.0 mutt SYSLINUX
dpkg libedac.so.1 nagios SYSLINUX.EFI
dracut libedac.so.1.1.1 NetworkManager sysstat
dvtm libjansson.a open-iscsi systemd
encfs libjansson.so openssh sysusers.d
environment.d libjansson.so.4 os-prober tcltk
EXTLINUX libjansson.so.4.11.0 os-probes tmpfiles.d
file libowfat.so.0 os-release udev
firewalld libsupp.a pam.d udisks2
firmware libSUSI-3.02.so pcmciautils ufw
gnupg libSUSI-3.02.so.1 pcrlock.d uml
gnupg2 libSUSI-3.02.so.1.0.8 pcsc user-setup
gold-ld libSUSI-4.00.so pkgconfig valgrind
gpm libSUSI-4.00.so.1 pm-utils w3m
groff libSUSI-4.00.so.1.0.0 policykit-1 X11
grub libSUSIAI.so polkit-1 x86_64-linux-gnu
grub-legacy libSUSIAI.so.1 pppd xen-4.17
hdparm libSUSIAI.so.1.0.0 PXELINUX xfsprogs
ifupdown libSUSIDevice.so python3 zfs-linux
init libSUSIDevice.so.1 python3.11
initcpio libSUSIDevice.so.1.0.0 resolvconf
ISOLINUX libSusiIoT.so rpm
2.1.1. 打包filesystem.squashfs
# 查看压缩信息
root@ivoserver:/home/test/test# unsquashfs -s filesystem.squashfs
Found a valid SQUASHFS 4:0 superblock on filesystem.squashfs.
Creation or last append time Tue Jan 16 00:14:38 2024
Filesystem size 368334194 bytes (359701.36 Kbytes / 351.27 Mbytes)
Compression xz
Dictionary size 1048576
Filters selected: x86
Block size 1048576
Filesystem is exportable via NFS
Inodes are compressed
Data is compressed
Uids/Gids (Id table) are compressed
Fragments are compressed
Always-use-fragments option is not specified
Xattrs are compressed
Duplicates are removed
Number of fragments 656
Number of inodes 41575
Number of ids 26
Number of xattr ids 2
# 压缩方式 xz
# 按 xz 压缩
root@ivoserver:/home/test# mksquashfs /tmp/squashfs-root/ filesystem.squashfs -comp xz
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on filesystem.squashfs, block size 131072.
[==========================================================/] 38584/38584 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 131072
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments,
compressed xattrs, compressed ids
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 395012.22 Kbytes (385.75 Mbytes)
34.64% of uncompressed filesystem size (1140363.08 Kbytes)
Inode table size 335140 bytes (327.29 Kbytes)
23.52% of uncompressed inode table size (1424714 bytes)
Directory table size 370108 bytes (361.43 Kbytes)
40.34% of uncompressed directory table size (917380 bytes)
Xattr table size 78 bytes (0.08 Kbytes)
97.50% of uncompressed xattr table size (80 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 2263
Number of inodes 42224
Number of files 32804
Number of fragments 2784
Number of symbolic links 4167
Number of device nodes 8
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 5245
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 27
Number of uids 12
root (0)
systemd-timesync (104)
systemd-resolve (102)
syslog (107)
www-data (33)
tss (110)
vboxadd (998)
test (1000)
messagebus (103)
_apt (100)
landscape (111)
unknown (997)
Number of gids 23
root (0)
dip (30)
adm (4)
shadow (42)
unknown (992)
messagebus (104)
systemd-network (102)
nogroup (65534)
www-data (33)
utmp (43)
vboxdrmipc (998)
mail (8)
input (106)
render (109)
tty (5)
ivo (1000)
systemd-resolve (103)
crontab (112)
systemd-journal (101)
unknown (997)
systemd-timesync (105)
staff (50)
vboxsf (999)
以下是 mksquashfs /tmp/squashfs-root/ filesystem.squashfs -comp xz
:命令名称,用于创建 squashfs 文件系统。/tmp/squashfs-root/
:指定要包含在 squashfs 文件系统中的根目录。在本例中,根目录是/tmp/squashfs-root/
:指定要创建的 squashfs 文件的名称。在本例中,squashfs 文件名为filesystem.squashfs
。-comp xz
:指定压缩算法。在本例中,使用 xz 压缩算法。
- 将创建一个名为
的 squashfs 文件。 - 该文件将包含
目录中的所有文件和目录。 - 使用 xz 算法压缩 squashfs 文件。
2.1.2. squashfs工具参数
命令 sudo unsquashfs -d extract_squashfs mnt_iso/path/to/filesystem.squashfs
用于从一个squashfs格式的压缩文件中提取内容,并将其解压到指定的目录中。这个命令通常用于处理Linux Live CD、Linux根文件系统镜像或其他以squashfs格式存储的文件系统镜像。下面是命令各部分的详细解释:
:这是一个用于解压squashfs格式文件的命令行工具。squashfs是一种高度压缩的只读文件系统,常用于Linux Live CDs和其他类型的系统镜像中,以减少存储需求。-d extract_squashfs
:这是你想要解压的squashfs文件的路径。在这个例子中,假设你已经将Live CD的ISO文件挂载到了mnt_iso
命令 sudo mksquashfs extract_squashfs new_filesystem.squashfs -comp xz
:这是创建squashfs文件系统映像的命令行工具。squashfs是一种高度压缩的只读文件系统,常用于Linux Live CDs和其他类型的系统镜像中。extract_squashfs
。-comp xz
是一个流行的压缩算法,以其高压缩比而闻名。使用-comp xz
选项可以确保squashfs映像使用xz算法进行压缩。 各种选项的对比
时间 | 命令 | 大小 | 备注 |
1m18.863s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ lz4xhcnew7532filesystem.squashfs -comp lz4 -Xhc | 522M | |
0m2.877s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ lz4new7532filesystem.squashfs -comp lz4 | 608M | |
1m29.272s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ lzonew7532filesystem.squashfs -comp lzo | 488M | |
1m7.842s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ gzipnew7532filesystem.squashfs -comp gzip | 448M | |
2m17.279s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ xznew7532filesystem.squashfs -comp xz | 386M | |
1m7.719s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ zstdnew7532filesystem.squashfs -comp zstd | 422M | |
0m22.334s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ lzocom5new7532filesystem.squashfs -comp lzo -Xcompression-level 5 | 497M | |
0m27.315s | time sudo mksquashfs /home/test/newsquashfs/ lzocom6new7532filesystem.squashfs -comp lzo -Xcompression-level 6 | 494M |
3. 官方clonezilla修改样例
How can I add a program in the main file system of Clonezilla live, i.e. in the file "filesystem.squashfs"?
The follow describes how to add a program "ms-sys" in Cloinezilla live.
Follow http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/, you can compile ms-sys binary code for lenny ("make", "gcc", and "gettext" packages are required to compile ms-sys), say "~/ms-sys-2.3.0" is its source path.
You need a GNU/Linux system as a working environment to do this. Here we use Debian Jessie as the working environment. First we need to install squashfs-tools:
$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools
Download Clonezilla live 2.5.0-25 zip file, then uncompress clonezilla-live-2.5.0-25-i686-pae.zip and extract the original filesystem.squashfs (Here 2.5.0-25 is an example, you can do it for different version of Clonezilla live)
$ mkdir ~/zip-tmp ~/squashfs-tmp
$ unzip clonezilla-live-2.5.0-25-i686-pae.zip -d ~/zip-tmp
$ cp ~/zip-tmp/live/filesystem.squashfs ~/squashfs-tmp
$ cd ~/squashfs-tmp; sudo unsquashfs filesystem.squashfs
(it will extract filesystem.squashfs to directory "squashfs-root" )
Copy ms-sys binary files into relative path of squashfs-root:
$ sudo cp ~/ms-sys-2.3.0/bin/ms-sys squashfs-root/usr/local/bin
Rebuild the new filesystem.squashfs and replace the original one ,then rebuild clonezilla-live zip file with a XZ-compressed filesystem.squashfs:
$ sudo mksquashfs squashfs-root filesystem.squashfs.new -b 1024k -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -e boot
$ sudo cp filesystem.squashfs.new ~/zip-tmp/live/filesystem.squashfs
$ cd ~/zip-tmp ; sudo zip -r ../clonezilla-live.new.zip ./*
Now you have clonezilla-live.new.zip with ms-sys included.
4. 7532 添加 clonezilla susi 操作过程
test@ivoserver:~/ubuntusq/test$ sudo unsquashfs filesystem.squashfs
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 2 processors
39369 inodes (35223 blocks) to write
[=============================================================================/] 74592/74592 100%
created 34967 files
created 5655 directories
created 4368 symlinks
created 8 devices
created 0 fifos
created 0 sockets
created 26 hardlinks
test@ivoserver:~/ubuntusq/test$ cp ~/check ~/7532
test@ivoserver:~/ubuntusq/test$ sudo cp ~/7532 squashfs-root/ -rf
test@ivoserver:~/ubuntusq/test$ sudo chroot ./squashfs-root/ /bin/bash
root@ivoserver:/# cd 7532/
root@ivoserver:/7532# tar xf
root@ivoserver:/7532# tar xf SOM-7532_SUSI5.0.23840_Release_2023_12_22_ubuntu22.04_x64.tar.gz
root@ivoserver:/7532# cp check /usr/bin/autoclone
root@ivoserver:/7532# chmod +x /usr/bin/auto
autoclone autoexpect autopasswd
root@ivoserver:/7532# chmod +x /usr/bin/autoclone
root@ivoserver:/7532# cd SUSI5.0.23840/
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840# cd
license.rtf Susi4Demo/ SUSIDeviceDEMO/
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840# cd Driver/
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# ls
AI libjansson.a libSUSI-3.02.so.1.0.8 libSUSIDevice.so
ini libjansson.so libSUSI-4.00.so libSUSIDevice.so.1.0.0
install.sh libjansson.so.4 libSUSI-4.00.so.1 libSusiIoT.so
libEApi.so libjansson.so.4.11.0 libSUSI-4.00.so.1.0.0 libSusiIoT.so.1.0.0
libEApi.so.1 libSUSI-3.02.so libSUSIAI.so modules
libEApi.so.1.0.0 libSUSI-3.02.so.1 libSUSIAI.so.1.0.0
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# ./install.sh
⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix
your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway.
Your mileage may vary.
Running in chroot, ignoring command 'is-active'
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
* Please carefully read the terms and conditions in license.rtf.*
* Do you agree with above patent declaration? *
[Y] Yes, I agree. [N] No, I don't agree.
Install SUSI AI service.
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix
your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway.
Your mileage may vary.
Running in chroot, ignoring command 'daemon-reload'
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix
your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway.
Your mileage may vary.
Configuration file /etc/systemd/system/susi_api_server.service is marked executable. Please remove executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/susi_api_server.service → /etc/systemd/system/susi_api_server.service.
sudo: unable to resolve host ivoserver: Temporary failure in name resolution
⚠️ /proc/ is not mounted. This is not a supported mode of operation. Please fix
your invocation environment to mount /proc/ and /sys/ properly. Proceeding anyway.
Your mileage may vary.
Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start'
Install SUSI library.
libjansson.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjansson.so.4
libjansson.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libjansson.so.4
libjansson.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libjansson.so
libSusiIoT.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSusiIoT.so
libSUSIDevice.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIDevice.so.1
libSUSIDevice.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIDevice.so
libSUSIAI.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIAI.so.1
libSUSIAI.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSIAI.so
libSUSI-4.00.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-4.00.so.1
libSUSI-4.00.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-4.00.so
libSUSI-3.02.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-3.02.so.1
libSUSI-3.02.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libSUSI-3.02.so
libEApi.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libEApi.so.1
libEApi.so (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/libEApi.so
root@ivoserver:/7532/SUSI5.0.23840/Driver# cd
root@ivoserver:~# rm -rf /7532/
root@ivoserver:~# exit
test@ivoserver:~/ubuntusq/test$ sudo mksquashfs squashfs-root filesystem.squashfs.new819 -b 1024k -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -e boot
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on filesystem.squashfs.new819, block size 1048576.
[=============================================================================-] 35950/35950 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 1048576
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments,
compressed xattrs, compressed ids
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 424690.35 Kbytes (414.74 Mbytes)
36.66% of uncompressed filesystem size (1158524.61 Kbytes)
Inode table size 343568 bytes (335.52 Kbytes)
22.62% of uncompressed inode table size (1519008 bytes)
Directory table size 405194 bytes (395.70 Kbytes)
39.66% of uncompressed directory table size (1021765 bytes)
Xattr table size 78 bytes (0.08 Kbytes)
97.50% of uncompressed xattr table size (80 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 2540
Number of inodes 45750
Number of files 35694
Number of fragments 670
Number of symbolic links 4382
Number of device nodes 8
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 5666
Number of hard-links 26
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 26
Number of uids 12
root (0)
systemd-timesync (104)
messagebus (103)
n2n (997)
www-data (33)
uuidd (108)
vboxadd (998)
systemd-resolve (102)
tcpdump (109)
lxd (999)
systemd-network (101)
pollinate (105)
Number of gids 23
root (0)
dip (30)
adm (4)
shadow (42)
unknown (992)
messagebus (104)
systemd-resolve (103)
nogroup (65534)
www-data (33)
utmp (43)
vboxdrmipc (998)
mail (8)
input (106)
lxd (110)
sgx (107)
tty (5)
syslog (113)
systemd-network (102)
vboxsf (999)
unknown (993)
systemd-journal (101)
staff (50)
systemd-timesync (105)