APPcrashview 查看别的目录的windows wer报告

0x00 简介

APPcrashview 是一个非常好用的日志查看的软件,可以比windows自带的查看器有更好的显示效果。今天简单说一下用它查看其他目录的方法。

0x01 使用


D:\AppCrashView.exe /ReportsFolder D:\WER\ReportArchive

D:\AppCrashView.exe /ReportsFolder D:\WER\ReportQueue


Command-Line Options
/ProfilesFolder <Folder>    Specifies the user profiles folder (e.g: c:users) to load. If this parameter is not specified, the profiles folder of the current operating system is used.
/ReportsFolder <Folder> Specifies the folder that contains the WER files you wish to load.
/ShowReportQueue <0 | 1>    Specifies whether to enable the 'Show ReportQueue Files' option. 1 = enable, 0 = disable
/ShowReportArchive <0 | 1>  Specifies whether to enable the 'Show ReportArchive Files' option. 1 = enable, 0 = disable
/stext <Filename>   Save the list of application crashes into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename>    Save the list of application crashes into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename>  Save the list of application crashes into a comma-delimited text file (csv).
/stabular <Filename>    Save the list of application crashes into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename>   Save the list of application crashes into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename>    Save the list of application crashes into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename>    Save the list of application crashes into XML file.
/sort <column>  This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like Event Name and Process File. You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: ~Event Time) if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns.Examples:
AppCrashView.exe /shtml f: empcrashlist.html /sort 2 /sort ~1
AppCrashView.exe /shtml f: empcrashlist.html /sort Process File
/nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.