之前一直使用的是archlinux系统,由于最近一直在折腾arch上面的显卡驱动部分,笔记本的显卡是intel的核心显卡+nvidia gtx950m在折腾了大黄蜂之后,终于在一次更新后显示home的硬盘问题,由于在更新那两天有过笔记本进水的情况,排查了硬盘sata接口,然后就是每次fsck修复,否则只接会进入紧急模式,每次排查无果。
已经习惯了开机时候有grub list(就是那几个上下键可选的)然后各种尝试甚至使用了boot-repair这个工具,依旧无果,然后各种搜,中文无效改英文,最终找到了gurb2官网。
得到的解释如下 在ubuntu16.04开始引入了这个概念,在没有多系统的时候默认不再显示grub menu,在最新的18.04 lts里用的grub2,编辑 /etc/default/grub 最重要的一步,update-grub
If this option is unset or set to ‘menu’, then GRUB will display the menu and then wait for the timeout set by ‘GRUB_TIMEOUT’ to expire before booting the default entry. Pressing a key interrupts the timeout.
If this option is set to ‘countdown’ or ‘hidden’, then, before displaying the menu, GRUB will wait for the timeout set by ‘GRUB_TIMEOUT’ to expire. If ESC is pressed during that time, it will display the menu and wait for input. If a hotkey associated with a menu entry is pressed, it will boot the associated menu entry immediately. If the timeout expires before either of these happens, it will boot the default entry. In the ‘countdown’ case, it will show a one-line indication of the remaining time.
有这样的一个解释,默认是hidden改成menu或注释掉即可在开机时候重新显示出 grub list