ubuntu 14.04 keyring等常见问题的解决

1,Enter password to unlock your login keyring for ubuntu 14.04 产生问题: SeaHorse 使用你的登录密码作为管理密码去解锁验证的.当你更改了登录密码, 它并没有更新相应的管理密码(at least, this is what I believe).

1): 查找程序 Passwords and Keys;
2): 在 Passwords 选单中, 右键单击 Passwords的子先选单 login. 在显示的菜单中选择 Change Password 选项;
3): 输入你以前的设置的该帐号的登录密码)和当前的生效的登录密码。

You are done. Next time, it won’t ask for any login password for GNOME keyring. If Ubuntu integrate this change while changing the user password, it would be better user experience. (理解不到位,就附原文了.) refer to: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/18/enter-password-to-unlock-your-keyring-prompt-in-ubuntu/

2, Remmina Remote Desktop Client, can’t connection 表现: 以前正常连接的winserver, winserver重启后或是其他原因, 莫名就不能连接. 提示”无法连接到RDP服务器” 解决方式: 删除~/.freerdp/known_hosts文件即可。高度怀疑这是证书问题引起的,因为重新连接时需要确认证书可用.

3, Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors Try removing /home/your_user_name/.config/monitors.xml, that should fix it.
